New Year Blessings

January 4, 2009 by

New Years wishes to all! As I trundle back toward a semblance of routine after the always mind-numbing chaos of the Holiday Season, the weather here in the Northeast is cold and wintery with wind chills near zero F. As much as the celebrations of faith, hope, good will and human kindness buoy us, carrying us through December’s winter blasts, I am always glad to see the New Year arrive, and with it, the return to routine, whatever it may be. Though I have never been an ardent fan of New Years Eve, the First day of the New Year always brings a large sigh of relief as I am reminded that, once again, the Holidays are over for another year and with them the requisite overindulgence, late party nights and rooms full of wafting tissue paper, the dregs of gift exchange, escaping their prisons of boxes and bags.

I like the illusion that each January 1st is a clean slate, blank, shining and ready to help us put our best foot forward, get organized and resume productivity. Inevitably, I am always eager to embark on indoor projects geared to simplify and enhance daily living: cleaning out desk, bureau and kitchen drawers, sorting clothes for Good Will, grooming dogs [not just BATHING, but GROOMING!], and the like. I outline projects for the year ahead and make lists of things to do.

However, for me, the most important part of a New Year is that of taking stock, doing an accounting of the year just passed, so I have an inventory with which to navigate the next one, and that involves one of the most important tools of all: gratitude. Regardless of what has befallen me, or my country or the world at large, the ability to have gratitude for those things positive is vital. For instance, as devastating as some of the darkest days of 2008 were, the fact that, out of the same dark events came so many incredible gifts in the form of the many wonderful people whom I never would have met had it not been for our mutual outrage at our Party, our political system, and main stream media. I am so very blessed to have crossed paths with so many talented, passionate, committed, brilliant people. Of all the blessings and gifts that 2008 bestowed upon me, the people continue to be the greatest gift of all. We have supported, rallied, motivated, comforted, stimulated and befriended one another throughout our fight to be heard in our efforts to reform media, political systems and attitudes toward women. There is nothing that can surpass this kind of community and as we move into 2009, I see our coalitions continuing to grow and survive, more strongly than ever. Despite some differences of opinion, most of us continue to be respectful and appreciative of one anothers’ efforts in our fight to attain mutual goals. The overriding factor is that most people want to get along and work to accomplish these goals. Amy Siskind and The New Agenda have made great strides in only 5 months, and Heidi Li’s nascent 51% is doing the same–for these are the organizations that represent the interests of ALL women, irrespective of political affiliation, lifestyle choices, socioeconomic strata or marital status.

On the political front, much history continues to be made, despite media’s refusal to report any of it. Rather than report that 54% of the American people now believe there is reason to be concerned about Barack Obama’s eligibility to occupy the Oval Office, or that Supreme Court of the United States has now scheduled two conferences on Philip Berg’s cases, Jan. 9th and 16th; [Mr. Berg has now entered an interpleader naming Barry Soetoro himself as a defendant, thus shifting the burden of proof to Soetoro/Obama, also naming a member of the military as a plaintiff, which satisfies the standing issue]; or that, although Congress is scheduled to count the electoral college votes which were due by December 15, 2008, [December 24th was the deadline for receipt of electoral votes at NARA], Public Law 110-430 changed the date of the electoral vote in Congress in 2009 from January 6 to January 8, [again for the first and only time in history], and that a presidential candidate has only 180 electoral votes, with 26 states not yet reporting despite the fact that the deadline for receiving votes was over two weeks ago. , Some of the states have not yet responded and some have refused to vote for Soetoro/Obama. In any event, he is still one hundred votes from the 270 required to get elected. [It has been touch and go from the beginning, so why should it be any different now? Don’t blame us, we tried to warn everyone that he was unelectable!] It is surely the first time in history that our country has been faced with a candidate about whom nothing is known except for the fact that he is most certainly not eligible to be president because he is not a natural born American citizen, and yet all we hear about is Barry’s fondness for wearing his hat backwards and playing with his Blackberry while complaining about his security detail as Middle East conflicts continue to escalate.

In short, we are facing a number of historical firsts, NONE of which main stream media has seen fit to report. The good news is that more groups are being organized to hold media accountable, and expose the truth about such entities as the Federal Reserve [] as well as reform our political system, so broken as it has become by corruption, collusion and voter fraud. We The People , Wake Up America and a score of other coalitions, new and old, are forming, regrouping and getting to roll out ongoing plans, spearheaded by tireless, passionate, committed people with a multitude of skills and talents from which to draw, and it is wonderful to see that the devastating events of 2008 have not discouraged us, but instead motivated us even further.

The Year is young, and awaits our attention! Best of luck and blessings to all as we forge ahead to achieve our goals.

Hubris Gone Wrong

December 9, 2008 by

“On November 10, Governor Blagojevich, his wife, his Chief of Staff John Harris, Governor General Counsel, and other Washington-based advisors participated at different times in a two-hour phone call in which they allegedly discussed, among other things, a deal involving the SEIU. Harris said they could work out a deal with the union and the President-elect where SEIU could help the President-elect with Blagojevich’s appointment of Senate Candidate 1, while Blagojevich would obtain a position as the National Director of the Change to Win campaign and SEIU would get something favorable from the President-elect in the future.”

At long last, Governor Blagojevich and his chief of staff, John Harris, were arrested early this morning on charges of conspiring to benefit financially from his role in appointing a U.S. senator to fill the vacancy left by Barack Obama’s election as president, along with illegally threatening to withhold state assistance to Tribune Co., the owner of the Chicago Tribune, in the sale of Wrigley Field. In return for state assistance, Blagojevich allegedly wanted members of the paper’s editorial board who had been critical of him fired.

Blagojevich also was charged with using his authority as governor in an attempt to press for campaign contributions, prosecutors said.

This, from the governor of Illinois, Obama’s “home” state. It has long been known that, as one of the most corrupt states in the Union, few things happen without the blessing and the knowledge of its governor. To deny that Obama knows about this, an every other transgression is belies either ignorance or stupidity, and probably both.

Tony Rezko has been convicted, just one of many in the endless parade of bad actors in this morality play gone wrong. One can only hope that the arrogance and hubris they all share will continue to bring them all down swiftly and justly.

Pushing Through the Fear Into Truth

December 8, 2008 by

Today, a thoughtful crosspost by Dr. Gregory Damato, wise beyond words and right on target about the world of fear into which we have been propelled. Aptly Entitled,

Knowledge for a Revolution: From Fear to Truth

it captures the essence of a society which has been fear injected for the purposes of manipulation.

The western world has purposely been misled, intimidated and hypnotized by fear from nearly all established institutions of civilization. The best way to wire an individual’s brain for fear is to consistently state the exact same premise over and over again regardless of the veracity of such statements. As neuroscientists predict, individuals will unconsciously begin to believe such statements and the more often these ideas are reinforced, the stronger the hard wiring becomes.

We live in a semi-conscious state of terrorism where our minds have ostensibly been pre-programmed for fear. As history has consistently shown mankind, the best way to control a population is through the institutionalization of fear. Cancer, debt, disease, terrorism, sleeper cells, war, Al Qaeda, and death are just some of the key words promulgated throughout our daily lives, but how much of these are actually true threats deserving of our fear? Even better, how many of these fears are simply unfounded and misguided to keep us in an uncertain, apprehensive and controlled state of mind?

Transitioning from fear to truth marks an integral shift in the beginning of a revolution. Whether conscious or unconscious, this transformation marks the beginning of the inexorable zeitgeist where truth, knowledge and freedom become the founding principles of the new, emerging society. These changes will not occur overnight, but as western society begins to awaken to the inherent truth that fear is simply a technique to suppress the limitless potential of every human being, only then may we begin to become completely free. Releasing our fear as individuals allows us to take control of our destinies as well as facilitate in the transformation of the shifting revolution from the mindless greed of the majority to the love of the conscious minority. Overtime, this fearless and valiant minority will garner more and more support as the shift of knowledge swings from fear to truth until the minority precipitously becomes the majority. In order to supplant the rule of the incognizant majority, truthful knowledge must spread like wildfire across the earth.

We are free individuals by virtue of birth, yet much of our freedoms are lost through our inherent nature to conform to societal norms, from the unconscious, yet powerful and pervasive trends of socialization. We begin to look, act and model our lives around others. For it is fear of non-conforming that keeps the masses conforming. Presently, society is in the midst of an historical change, one where individuals will be defined by what they do for their fellow earthlings instead of what they physically possess. The facade of the material world is rightfully dissolving at an alarming rate only to make way for the emerging revolution of unending personal freedom, wellness, love, knowledge and truthfulness.

A revolution is an uprising of individuals who believe that enough of their rights have been suppressed, ignored and completely hijacked at the expense of those wanting to keep the status quo. When we break free of our fears, we are truly open to experience our true purpose: to live a passionate, happy and loving life. It is time we begin to take back our freedoms through knowledge and awareness because simply put, we are the ones we have been waiting for.

As Thomas Jefferson once said, “Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day”.

Who’s Laughing Now…and it’s NOT the American People

December 5, 2008 by

Today we devote all blog space to making the news about Obama’s refusal [read: inability] to prove that he is a natural born American citizen, for indeed, he does NOT fall into that category and that is documented fact.

This needs to go out. Let the media know that they need to do the job the overseas media is doing. Seng to congress, everyone. The world laughs at us and so does Obama.

Send this to your congressman…the media…needs to go viral. Others do what US media doesn’t.


“Obama sold the dream of hope and change so desperately wanted by the Americans. He pushed the greed button by promising to take from the rich to give to the poor. Every con man walking free or in jail is an articulate speaker. Who would give their trust to a man who could not use the right words to convince his targets to trust him? Articulate speaking is no way to judge or rate the integrity of a person.”

Even the Russian online newspaper Pravda featured a column about “the man with no visible past.”

A Google of Pravda, Obama, Citizenship, American Media provided this link so take your pick:

“Barry Sotero, AKA Barack Obama, along with the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission have successfully ignored a Federal Lawsuit asking him to produce a valid Birth Certificate,” the piece by Mark McGrew states. “When the time to respond to that lawsuit expired, under Federal Court Rules, they all admitted that he was not a citizen of The United States of America and deemed to have committed fraud. A normal man would have been found to have admitted he was not a U.S. citizen.”
While McGrew acknowledges Obama is praised for his way with words, he warns, “Every con man walking free or in jail is an articulate speaker. Who would give their trust to a man who could not use the right words to convince his targets to trust him? Articulate speaking is no way to judge or rate the integrity of a person.”

The writer said every con man sells a “dream,” pushes a “greed button,” stresses “urgency” – and it claims Americans fell for a con man.“Obama sold the dream of hope and change so desperately wanted by the Americans. He pushed the greed button by promising to take from the rich to give to the poor. And he stressed urgency by himself and his wife telling voters to vote early.”

McGrew explains that Obama’s “certificate of birth” is not a birth certificate, but a certification of live birth that any foreigner can acquire by applying for one in the state’s vital records department, regardless of where the baby was born.

Join more than 158,000 others in signing WND’s online petition calling for release of Barack Obama’s birth certificate and verifying beyond any shadow of a doubt his constitutional eligibility for office.

The column said Obama can easily put the issue to rest by producing the document, rather than spending thousands of dollars on attorneys to defy federal and state lawsuits.

“Barack Obama may just win his place in history as the greatest con man of all time,” the author said. “A hundred million people believed him and spent 600 million dollars to get him ‘elected’ to the highest office in America, without ever knowing if he is or is not eligible to even run as an American citizen. It is either amazing that he will pull it off or it is amazing that so many millions of people believed him.”

So far, major television networks and most mainstream newspapers are continuing to be silent on the matter. Some media outlets have begun reporting on the issue.

The Chicago Tribune published a news article about Robert L. Schultz, chairman of the We The People Foundation, after he ran a full-page ad in the newspaper demanding Obama produce documents proving he is eligible for office. However, the writer attempted to debunk Schultz’s claims paragraph by paragraph.

A Chicago Sun-Times columnist accused the We The People Foundation of having “money to throw away” for posting an “inflammatory ad” in the Chicago Tribune.

NBC Chicago’s website led its story with the following statement: “Critics continue to invest in ads to convince Americans that he is not one of theirs.”

Also, the Kansas City Star featured a news article claiming “legions of anti-Obama bloggers” have filed lawsuits claiming Obama is constitutionally ineligible to be president.

The Star’s story said “skeptics” believe there are several “co-conspirators” in the “tangled web of conspiracy and silence,” including election officials who put candidates’ name on ballots, judges who throw out lawsuits, mainstream media, Obama’s family and Hawaiian authorities.

Even AOL News’ blog featured a “Q&A with Obama birth certificate doubters,” while another entry accused the We The People Foundation of being part of “the cult of Barack Obama’s birth certificate.”

However, amid skeptical reports, the New American reported, “This story has gained credence, separating it from Internet rumors, because Obama has reputedly hired three law firms (firms, not lawyers) to make sure that no one gets access to his birth records in Hawaii or his college transcripts from Occidental College and Harvard.”

In the piece written by Mark McGrew, I read something that was QUITE interesting! Are you ready for this?

But beyond all of that controversy, there is one subject in this man’s activities that is truly astounding: There is absolutely no proof whatsoever that his beloved grandmother actually died on the day before the election as his campaign said she did. He said he would attend her funeral “In a few days”. He never did. Then he said he would have a funeral for her around the end of the year. What kind of person keeps their grandmother’s body on ice for two months? What kind of a person would play on the death of his grandmother to win “the sympathy vote”? Where is the proof that she died when he said she did? Normally, we could simply learn from the local coroner of a well known person’s death. But the only public comment made by the Honolulu Medical Examiner, who acts as coroner in Honolulu, Hawaii was, “We didn’t work that case.”

Today the 9 Justices of the Supreme Court convene to discuss one of the 17 cases. A vigil in support of them waited on the Courthouse steps. Last night a national fasting and prayer initiative was held. People are holding circles of light, intention meditations, and writing and speaking to get out the truth. Daily, more people want to know what to do and join groups that are doing things to preserve and protect our nation of laws.

It occurs to me that the founders and their rag tag army in 1776 had neither the internet nor broadcast media and yet they got the word out and won the fight. Today we have both and it is far more difficult to suppress the truth in any real way. It may take a little longer without the assistance of main stream media, but they will ultimately find it very difficult to suppress an entire nation of individuals who cherish their freedom and our nation of laws.

We shall continue to watch, wait, write, speak and spread the truth. For country, its people, for ourselves, and for the world, who is watching.

The Paralysis of Analysis

December 5, 2008 by

Tonight, Doug Schell reminded a group of us not to let ourselves succumb to the Paralyis of Analysis. Wise words, those. These are perilous times. Our country faces a Constitutional crisis the like of which we have not seen since the 1861 secession and formation of the Confederate States of America.

We who are aware of the magnitude of what we now face are justifiably concerned. Rumor abounds, fears loom large. But the fact is that we can only live one day at a time, and all we can do is utilize each 24 hours to the best of our ability.

We must all do what we think is best; stand up for that in which we believe; take whatever legal action we can; draw courage from the support of other patriots of like mind; and remember that the cost of freedom is constant vigilance. We must also remember and draw strength from those who have gone before us, those who loved our country and its ideals so much that they were willing to lose everything and even die for it. We must treasure those hallowed words and documents upon which our country was founded and built, and fight to preserve them with all of our heart and soul.

And, most of all…commit ourselves to fighting to right the wrongs and continue to hold our democratic principles dear. We must, instead of fearing the outcome, go forth and take action because we believe it is the right thing to do, not because we think we will win. The greatest courage of all is that which lets us go forth as we let go of the outcome, because doing what we feel is right is the most important act of all.

Hail Madame Secretary!

December 1, 2008 by

The election is over. And Hillary won, in more ways than one. Today she has been officially announced as Obama’s choice for Secretary of State. As much as I dislike the idea of losing her as my Senator from New York, my love of country and faith in her superior ability to serve allow me to be grateful for this change. There is no one, except possibly former President Clinton, who could do as well, especially in these troubled times. If there is anyone who can help to heal our nation and repair our reputation in the eyes of the world it is Hillary. Whatever she does, she does extremely well, putting her heart, soul and considerable mind into it with complete dedication and commitment to doing her very best. We can ask no more, and she will do no less.

Once again, she has shown us how to win no matter what hand she is dealt, and how to do it with utter grace, restraint, and foresight. She has refused to let anyone get her down–not the thugs from Chicago, the low lying media or the misogynists. She has truly risen, flying far above the crowds, showing the way as always with dignity, humility and faith in her own abilities.

There is no better way to end this piece than to quote her very own words:

“Always aim high, work hard, and care deeply about what you believe in. When you stumble, keep faith. When you’re knocked down, get right back up. And NEVER listen to anyone who says you can’t or shouldn’t go on…for everyone who’s been ever been counted out but refused to be knocked out, for everyone who has stumbled but stood right back up, and for everyone who works hard and never gives up — this one is for you!


Giving Thanks Amidst Adversity

November 27, 2008 by

Tomorrow our nation will celebrate a day of Thanksgiving, first signed into being by Abraham Lincoln in 1863 during the War Between the States in October of that year and written by then Secretary of State William Seward. Its purpose was to “set apart the last Thursday of November “as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise.”

Something for which we can all be grateful this year is that, for the first time, our nation will add another long awaited, highly important observance: On October 8 of this year, the Native American Heritage Day Act of 2008 [Public Law #110-370] was signed into law
to honor the achievements and contributions of Native Americans to the United States on November 28, 2008 and every year thereafter. At long last we have set aside a day on which to celebrate the People who were here before any of us, and whose iconic cultures have set the standard for honor, courage and reverence for the natural world.

Today, as then, our nation faces multiple major crises, perhaps even more serious than ever before: an unending war, loss of world stature, financial and economic crisis, human rights violations and indeed our very way of life at risk, as our Constitution and Bill of Rights remain under constant assault through the abrogations which have already occurred throughout the tenure of the present administration and already the next, with their insistence on running a candidate whose previously held citizenships in Kenya and Indonesia automatically render him ineligible, not being a natural born American citizen.

It can be difficult indeed to summon an attitude of gratitude and thanks while we labor under this cloud of chaos and fear. Interestingly, late last night as I surfed the channels for a brief distraction, “Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee” appeared…it is too good a film to pass by, so I watched. After that came “Fast Food Nation,” followed by “Flags of Our Fathers” and “Shawshank Redemption,” all of which I had seen before, and all of which are so compelling as to make it impossible not to see them again. Like a tongue obsessed with seeking a broken tooth, films like this compel us to watch them, again and again. Why? Because they tell the truth. Regardless of outcome, the Truth is all we have, and if we don’t accept it we cannot begin to set things right. As painful as it is, we cannot ignore it, lest it happen again, lest we become so dead to reality as to become bigger pawns than we already are.

And so, I watched. Strange as it may seem, and painful as it is, I salute those about whom these films are made; I salute the actors, directors and producers who are willing to make them, and thus spread truth to the mainstream, where action takes root. And, often, just when I find it most difficult to bear, I remember that, no matter what, we shall always have truth, and for that alone, I have gratitude. Truth is always there, if we let it in and share it. It may be brutal sometimes, but it is always clean and direct, and provides the ground from which to build.

Yes, there are still thousands of troops in the Middle East and still more waiting to deploy, many for their third and fourth tours; our nation is still plagued with all manner of crisis, our government has instituted rendition torture policies, [if you do nothing else today, see SusanunPC’s NoQuarterUSA article on “Alienable Rights,”] trampling our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Staggering amounts of money continue to be funneled to ailing corporate institutions who have failed to observe sound business practices and now demand–and GET!–humungous bailout after humungous bailout as our deficit soars, and main stream media has completely abdicated its responsibility to report any of it, its most recent transgression being the refusal to carry the biggest news in election history: namely, there are some 17 lawsuits going forward to challenge the president designee’s citizenship eligibility, two of which have now landed in the U.S. Supreme Court. The issue is not about where the president-designee was born; it is the fact that he is NOT a natural born American citizen and thus by running, has violated Article II Section 1 Clause 5 of the United States Constitution. [See for an excellent explanation] The fact that our Constitution has been abrogated is horrifying; the fact that there ARE people who realize that and are working to protect it is a source of eternal gratitude.

Be that as it may, we still have much to be thankful for: the love, support and delight of friends and family; duty, honor, courage and integrity; love and compassion wherever we may find it; the special brand of creativity, innovation, commitment, passion and patriotism that can be found in so many–the list can be endless, and, in times like these, it is ever more important to remember to give thanks every day. And, always and all ways, it is Truth we must hold most dear, for it is only in Truth that we can find our way.


November 24, 2008 by

I have always had difficulty understanding why self professed Clinton supporters seem to have so little faith in their leader–the reason I deem Hillary a good leader is that I think she is smarter and more privy to more info than I am. That is why we call these kinds of people leaders. While I, too, would like to have seen her fight all the way because I believe she could win, she had a different way to play it out and I respect that. There are many reasons why winning the WH this term could be less than perfect: with all the lying, cheating and stealing the DNC has done, all the voter fraud Obama has perpetrated, and the mess the Bush administration has left, the incoming POTUS can only have his clueless hands full and will no doubt make a huge mess of things despite his attempt to recreate a Clinton administration. One cannot help but wonder whether he will even complete one term. No one knows what is next, but I feel comfortable in knowing that Hillary knows more than we do and is not going to make a decision that is bad for America or herself. We so need her–AND Bill–and BO be damned. He is no match for them in any way, shape or form.

I fully trust in Hillary’s ability to achieve great things in every challenge she accepts and I fully expect her to do wonders for our nation in restoring some of its former respect and trust in the eyes of the world, and making great strides in achieving the next steps toward world peace.

Rise, Hillary, Rise!

November 20, 2008 by

A long time poly-sci junkie, nothing surprises me much anymore except the expected.  That being said, present day politics has become a wilder ride than ever.  Who could  imagine that Hillary’s most virulent foes–much less Kennedy, Obama and Reid–would suddenly do a 180 in less than 10 days [after Mr. Kennedy so meanspiritedly refused her request to head a health care committee] and, after trying to rid their envious, misogynistic selves of her for years, are now vying for her favors?!  It is testimony to their perfidy–and to her ability to endure and prevail triumphantly in the face of even the worst scoundrels.  I have long said and long believed, like Maya Angelou, that Hillary will indeed continue to Rise, far above that madding crowd of scrabbling, shapeshifting politicians.

As for where she will finally land–only the Universe knows, and perhaps, even she herself.  It is left to the rest of us to worry and watch, hoping for the best, preparing for the worst, and fighting for the rest.


November 19, 2008 by

Hillary Clinton has been offered, and, purportedly accepted the cabinet position of Secretary of State.  Much has been said about this; there are many opinions. Some say that Hillary should not be accountable to Obama, that she should let him sink in his own stew and stay in the Senate. Being a New Yorker, I would be only too happy to have her continue to represent me in Washington, but in view of Reid, Pelosi and their minions, who openly loathe her and with whom she must try to work, she would be far better served [and so would the American people] to serve as Secretary of State where she would outrank them and be able to put her vast diplomatic currency to work to repair our faltering image in the eyes of the world. Say what you will about the
Clintons, but the World loves them for their humanity, their service and caring and their love of humankind.

There are those who would prefer to see her in Congress because the joint efforts of the nonpartisan, moderate Clinton- McCain team would form a formidable and productive force. There are those who felt she should have given them all the back of her hand and refused to work for the Democratic party at all. But Hillary is a grown up in every sense of the word: she knows
how to put personal differences aside; she knows how to scale obstacles, take the long view and bide her time. She has information that few, if any of us have about the big picture, and she is one of the most politically astute people of her time, if not in our entire history.

Ultimately, Hillary Clinton is the only one with sufficient information and insight to be able to make an educated decision about whether to accept the post of Secretary of State. She is
over 21 and perfectly capable of making that decision without our help. If she wanted it, she would ask for it. Until that time, we must accept the fact that this is her call, and trust in her to make the best decision for all of us, for she is, above all, a brilliant and dedicated public servant. What better way for her to serve our country [other than being president] than to lend herself to the Face of America and be able to act on the 3 AM phone call.